When transporting goods or equipment over the road, it is critical to ensure that the goods or equipment is securely fastened. Insecure loads could lead to accidents including human life, and vehicle damage, and also risk to other road users. In addition to the financial and human costs of accidents; there are other significant risks such as liability and negligence claims, criminal prosecution, legal action, higher insurance premiums, and damage to the company’s reputation.

Load Securing

Cargo on a vehicle is subject to acceleration forces when the vehicle on which it is traveling accelerates, brakes, or changes direction. If the cargo on the vehicle is not securely fastened, this means the risk of the cargo moving forward, sliding backward, or tipping sideways is very high. Hence, when a vehicle brakes, the force of momentum will cause the unrestrained cargo to continue moving in its original (forward) direction and thereby cause significant risk of damage to the cargo itself, the vehicle, and possible personal injury to the driver or other road users.

Loaded vehicles are subject to 0.8g deceleration in forward movement, and 0.5g deceleration in both backward and lateral (sideways) directions*. For example, a cargo weighing 10 tonnes is subject to 8 tonnes of forward force and 5 tonnes either sideways or backward. Hence, the cargo must be secured to prevent damage, injury, and risks.


*Australian National Heavy Vehicle Register Load Restraint Guide 2018

Benefits of RUD Lashing Systems

RUD is the world leader and expert in lifting and lashing solutions. All RUD sling products are manufactured exclusively for lifting and load securing using cutting-edge technology. This is why our made-in-Germany innovative products set global standards for the lifting and lashing industry.


RUD offers a range of lashing points and lashing chains for optimal securing of cargo. Some of the popular RUD load-securing products for cargo transport are:

Load securing hints for heavy cargo

One of the solutions to secure heavy cargo is to use RUD lashing chains in double strands.  

Endless-Chain Lashing

What happens if there are no lashing points on the cargo to secure the load directly? Using a shackle to connect the lashing chain to unsuitable lashing points is risky because it exposes the shackle to bending stresses. The best option in such cases is to use an Endless Chain that has the same Lashing Capacity (LC) as a lashing chain. And if the chain is “doubled-up”, sharp edges will not cause any problems.

An ICE-Endless-Chain can be used with an ICE-Multi-shortening claw to form a closed chain.


The advantages of such a configuration are:

Without Trucks Australia Stops. But when trucks need to go, Endurequip keeps them going!

Want to meet us?

RUD/Endurequip will be displaying in the Brisbane Truck Show from 18-21 May 2023 at the Brisbane Convention Centre.

Visit us on Booth #380 (Plaza Level) to know more about our Endurequip Hoists, Workshop Lifting/Handling Solutions and Tyre Protection/Traction Chains.

Article copyright to RUD, this information is accurate at the time of publication and RUD Australia takes no responsibility for any errors inadvertent or otherwise.



The last couple of years have changed the purchasing habits of Australians. While 2020 sounded the death knell for many Australian brick and mortar businesses, it heralded a push into increased online sales of Australian made and local goods.

Consumer research by Roy Morgan found that Australians prefer Australian made products across a wide range of categories. The most important reasons for buying Australian made products are:

  1. Better Quality
  2. Support Local Businesses
  3. Support Local Job Creation

An Omnibus survey by Australia Post found out that 30% of respondents are making an effort to buy more Australian made products than they did previously, while 23% of buyers said they are more conscious about buying from businesses in their local areas.

Why Australian Made?

Australia produces a large variety of products. Some of the products are branded with the Australian-Made logo which confirms the product is genuinely made in Australia. When you buy Australian products, the money you spend stays in Australia.

Supporting the Australian Economy

When you purchase from Australian companies, you keep money within the country, and it generates more income by supporting the economy. As per the Australian-Made website, every $1,000,000 generated by an Australian manufacturing company results in: 

Compliant to Australian Standards

Australia has some of the strictest compliance, quality, and safety standards in the world. When you buy an Australian-Made product, you can be assured that the product has been manufactured from quality resources with fair wages and safety standards applied on the employees who manufactured the product.

Quicker Service and Support

Many companies import their parts offshore because it's cheaper - but unfortunately, this makes them difficult to replace or repair when things go wrong. Under Australian Consumer Law, when you buy an Australian made product, it comes with an automatic guarantee that it will work and do its intended purpose.

Endurequip Portalift Hoist is the only Australian made heavy vehicle hoist designed and manufactured in Brisbane with an Australia-wide service support system. The meticulous attention to detail, coupled with a quality build, is the only way we can live up to the rigorous standards required by the Australian-Made logo. Feel free to drop into our manufacturing facility in Brisbane or call us for additional information on the quality of our Australian made Portalifts! 


Why Buy Local?

Australians love to support each other and are always ready to offer a hand during a challenge or disaster. The above-mentioned research has also uncovered the fact that Australians increase buying from local businesses after bush fires and floods. So, why should you buy local?

Give a much-needed boost to the local economy

When you buy a locally made product, you put your money back into the local community. This means you are contributing to the economy of the local community and keeping the funds in Australia instead of overseas. 

We have over 85 local jobs at RUD in Brisbane, the parent company of Endurequip. By purchasing Endurequip Hoists and Accessories, you support a local workforce.

As per the Australian-Made website, every $1,000,000 generated by an Australian manufacturing company results in 10 full-time jobs, which means you are supporting local job creation as well.

Quality Assurance

Buying local gives you peace of mind because you know where your products come from, the materials and the standards required to manufacture these products, and whom to contact should you require help, support, or advice.

We stand behind the quality of our product every day of the year and will go the extra mile to support you nationwide.

Ongoing Local Service and Support

Because local companies can be reached faster, it is easier to get quick service and support when something goes wrong instead of waiting for qualified technicians or parts to arrive from overseas.

Endurequip Portalift Hoists are designed and manufactured in Brisbane, so every time you purchase one of our hoists, your money goes straight back to the local economy. We use local businesses at every stage of production, from our local qualified engineers to local electrical suppliers to a local powder coating company. By keeping supply and production local, we can assure quality control in every step of the design, engineering, and manufacturing process. 

Since we source our parts locally, we can get them to you quickly if you need a replacement. Our local authorised service agents are always on hand to help keep your business running smoothly. 

We do not just use local companies to manufacture our products. We supply to them too and help keep the local transport industry running in the process.

Some of our local partners include:

Without Trucks Australia Stops. But when trucks need to go, Endurequip keeps them going!

Want to meet us?

Visit us on Stand 1C3 at Land Forces 2022 between 4-6 October at the Brisbane Convention Centre. Call us today on 07 3809 1399 or send us an enquiry here.

The best of the defence industry will be on show at Australia’s premier land defence expo, Land Forces 2022, in Brisbane from 4-6 October. Land Forces 2021 attracted more than 700 Australian and international companies last year.

Endurequip Portalift Hoist is the only Australian made heavy vehicle hoist designed and manufactured in Brisbane with an Australia-wide service support system. The meticulous attention to detail, coupled with a quality build, is the only way we can live up to the rigorous standards required by the Australian-Made logo. 

Endurequip’s Portalift hoists are used in truck, bus and road transport companies throughout Australia, Asia and the South Pacific. We are used in railway workshops, fire brigades and local authority workshops throughout the region. We are the exclusive supplier of heavy vehicle mobile hoists to the Australian Defence Force.

In addition, we offer Workshop Handling Solutions such as:

Some pictures from Land Forces 2021

Get In Touch 

Visit Endurequip Hoists on the RUD Australia stand 1C3 in Hall 1  at Land Forces 2022.

Call us today on 07 3809 1399 or send us an enquiry here.

Fixed Vehicle Service Pits or Mobile Heavy Vehicle Hoists?

Across Australia there are numerous workshops using the traditional method of servicing heavy vehicles: the pit. This hole in the garage or workshop floor at first glance looks like an ideal solution, but a mobile hoist may work out better for you in the long run.

Many automotive workshops with a pit hesitate to upgrade because of the inclination to not change the way things have been working. However, is it a good ROI to upgrade a pit to a mobile hoist set up?

Let’s look at a few factors when comparing a pit with a mobile hoist:


An argument always used by the pro-pit mechanics is the ease of driving a vehicle quickly over a pit comparing to the process required to lift a vehicle. While a pit may look like it can be faster, consider the benefits of using mobile heavy vehicle hoists:

  1. Flexible setup anywhere in the workshop, not fixed to a location
  2. Easy access to tools, outer area of trucks/buses and no fall hazard
  3. Adjustable height depending on the work tasks, not fixed pit


Health & Safety

A pit requires good ventilation and drainage to prevent the build-up of exhaust gases and water that may collect. Also, electrical connections need to be monitored very frequently from the risk of damage when using power tools in a cramped space. While a pit can be covered when not in use, there is always a risk of someone falling into a pit. Hoists do not have the limitation of confined spaces. According to the Australian Trucking Association, truck safety is very important as per their 2022 charter policy for both road and off-road productivity which includes mechanics working on them in workshops.

Return on Investment

The cost of installing a pit with the proper ventilation and drainage is likely to be around 5 times the cost of installing a hoist. More importantly, it will require weeks or months of disruption to the workshop. A disruption to an operational workshop can reduce productivity and add to costs which may not be recouped. A hoist does not change the layout of the workshop, unlike a pit which changes the layout permanently. The best benefit of hoists is that you can take them with you if you are relocating or moving your workshop.

A well maintained and regularly serviced mobile hoist which takes very less time to be commissioned and will retain much of its value for many years. In the long run, an Australian manufactured mobile hoist like Endurequip will recoup the money over the lifetime of the equipment.

Are mobile hoists the best solution for heavy vehicle truck or bus workshop?

Mobile heavy vehicle hoists such as Portalift from Endurequip offer you the flexibility to move the posts anywhere, indoor, or outdoor unlike a fixed pit. You can use combination of hoist posts, depending on the length of the vehicle, from 4, 6, 8 and 10 to increase the lift up-to 75 tonnes.

Hoists can also be used with vehicle ramps which offer the advantages of drive-in, drive-out like a pit but without the safety risks. They can also be integrated with rails to support hydraulic jacks if required.

Mobile hoists work best when space is at a premium

A pit or a fixed hoist takes up valuable space in a workshop. As we pointed earlier, hoists make it easier access to tools and outer area of trucks/buses with adjustable height depending on the work tasks.

With Endurequip Portalift Hoists, you can move the posts since they are mounted on wheels out of the way and don’t take up valuable floor space in your workshop.

Looking for more advice on an Australian made lifting option for your workshop?

Before you decide on either a pit or a fixed hoist, it is a good idea to have a chat with Endurequip. We can assess your workshop including any future expansion and advise you on the right solution for your requirements.

As Australia’s Number 1 and the only Australian Made portable heavy vehicle hoist company, Endurequip has a twenty-year structural warranty, five-year mechanical warranty, and one-year electrical warranty to give you peace of mind for years to come.

Without Trucks Australia Stops. But when trucks need to go, Endurequip keeps them going!

Want to meet us?

Endurequip will be displaying at the 2023 Brisbane Truck Show which will be held at between 18-23 May 2023 at the Brisbane Convention Centre. Visit our stand to say hello to us and discover why Endurequip is Australia’s Number 1 and the only Australian Made portable heavy vehicle hoist company.

Get In Touch 

We are happy to evaluate your heavy vehicle maintenance requirements and help you make the right choice. Call us today on 07 3809 1399 or send us an enquiry here.

Continued from Part 1. To read Part 1, click here.

Some of the various types of hoists available in Australia are:

Fixed Hoists
These are fixed to the ground and require the vehicle to be driven to the hoists.

Two Post Hoists
Two post hoists are the most common because of their versatility and price. They have a set of arms that are angled with each other to allow mounting on the sides of the chassis, allowing the wheels to be left suspended in the air for easy access.

Four Post Hoists
Four post hoists have ramps that enable the vehicle to be driven onto them for the mechanics to lift the vehicle with the wheels on the platforms.

Mobile Column Hoists
These are mobile and can be moved around, saving space. The column hoists lift the vehicle through the tyres and require positioning with each vehicle depending on the number of tyres and the weight of the vehicle. They can be used in multiple configurations of 4, 6, 10 hoists based on the vehicle GVM.


Wireless Hoists
These are completely mobile, with rechargeable batteries.

Some of the disadvantages of wireless hoists are:

Wired Hoists
Endurequip Portalift is a wired mobile hoist with high capacity and reliability, suitable to use with a range of different vehicles, from public transport and military vehicles to rail and special vehicles. Each Portalift hoist is capable of lifting loads up to 7.5 tonnes. Combining posts into 4, 6, 8 and 10 increase the lift capacity to up to 75 tonnes.

We also offer cable management system which safely ensures your cables are off the ground and this is one of the most cost-effective solutions because there is no need to replace batteries or downtime for changing power supply.

The advantages of Endurequip Portalifts over wireless hoists are:

Read what Gemilang (Now Nexport) say about Endurequip Hoists which they have installed at their bus and coach manufacturing factory at Ballarat, Victoria. Full article here.

Endurequip has a twenty-year structural warranty, five-year mechanical warranty and one-year electrical warranty. Endurequip is Australia’s Number 1 and the only Australian Made portable heavy vehicle hoist company, giving you peace of mind with over three decades of industry knowledge.


Without Trucks Australia Stops. But when trucks need to go, Endurequip keeps them going!

Want to meet us?

Endurequip will be displaying at the 2023 Brisbane Truck Show which will be held at between 18-23 May 2023 at the Brisbane Convention Centre. Visit our stand to say hello to us and discover why Endurequip is Australia’s Number 1 and the only Australian Made portable heavy vehicle hoist company.

Get In Touch 

We are happy to evaluate your heavy vehicle maintenance requirements and help you make the right choice. Call us today on 07 3809 1399 or send us an enquiry here.